Lex Veldhuis wins first SCOOP title on stream


A $140k score and the online title that has evaded him for years, as Lex Veldhuis takes down a stacked SCOOP event.

Lots of big names have already claimed SCOOP titles in the last week, but when one of the biggest streamers in the game gets their first one live on stream, it’s noteworthy. 

He took down the $5,200 Titans event for $140,000, defeating a field of 128 of the best online players in the world. The final table included Yuri Dzivielevski, Kahle Burns, Patrick Leonard and Roman Romanovsky.

His final table performance attracted 126,000 views on Twitch with 12,054 concurrent views at one point. On Youtube he attracted a further 19,000 viewers. 

Lots of big online names have won SCOOP events so far this series including €urop€an, Lena900, C. Darwin2, Graftekkel, aDrENalin710 and Adrian Mateos.

Place Player Country Prize (in USD)
1 Lex Veldhuis New Zealand $140,279
2 “Nacho12441” Dominican Republic $108,687
3 Yuri “theNERDguy” Dzivielevski Brazil $84,210
4 “Wildace_hun” Hungary $65,245
5 “RomeOpro” Ukraine $50,551
6 Kahle “ROFLshove” Burns United Kingdom $39,167
7 “hello_totti” Mexico $30,346
8 Patrick “pads1161” Leonard United Kingdom $23,512
9 “kirbyl0ve” Switzerland $18,630

Were you one of the 12,054 concurrent viewers? Let us know in the comments:

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