April memes from r/poker


Get ahead of your SCOOP downswing with some classic memes from Reddit Poker.

Protect your bankroll…

byu/police36d inpoker

Move up where they respect your raises

Everybody thinks they’re the best
byu/Retail_Degenerate inpoker

I won’t lie, this is me

I hope I’m not the only one who does this
byu/odods11 inpoker

The comments section is savage today

byu/Jr999977 inpoker

Best YouTube comment of the week. By week, I mean in the history of YouTube
byu/Retail_Degenerate inpoker

Poker and mental health…in two parts

Instant regret
byu/BetKings inpoker

Posts from the poker
community on Reddit

The Vintage r/poker joke

Who’s Your Favorite Poker YouTuber?
byu/OkDependent3266 inpoker

Confirmed…the solvers are wrong

What is actually the best hand in poker?
byu/TheGrizzlyOP inpoker

You either get this one or you don’t…

“Poker. So you’re just gambling?”
byu/sketchdotpage inpoker

For more meme magic check out r/poker.

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