Jennifer Tilly Rebuys & is Ready to Battle on High Stakes Poker

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Senior Editor U.S.

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Jennifer Tilly High Stakes Poker

The cards were back in the air Monday night on PokerGO for Episode 2 of the newest High Stakes Poker season. Jennifer Tilly spent much of the session in some tough spots facing difficult decisions.

When the episode began, picking up where the show left off last week, nosebleed cash game legend Andrew Robl had added on $150,000 in chips to match his initial starting stack. The previously mentioned players were joined in the game by Sameh Elamawy, Sean Dempsey, Justin Gavri, Bo Brownstein, and Japanese poker vlogger Masato Yokosawa.

Player Chip Stack
Andrew Robl $493,000
Sameh Elamawy $408,000
Sean Dempsey $306,000
Justin Gavri $216,000
Masato Yokosawa $127,000
Bo Brownstein $104,000
Jennifer Tilly $92,800

The Doctor Picks Up Aces

Doctor Sean Dempsey
Sean Dempsey

The second episode of Season 13 began with a fun little flop. Tilly, the shortest stack at the table, raised from an early position to $2,500 with Q8.

Dempsey, a medical professional, picked up AA on the button and three-bet his hand to $8,000. Only the Hollywood actress called to see a flop of 9710. And she opted to lead into the preflop re-raiser with a $7,000 bet chasing an open-ended straight draw. But a raise to $32,000 from the pocket aces would take down the first hand of the show.

Tilly, down to under $80,000 in chips, then added on another $100,000 to her stack. Shortly after the first hand, Elamawy made his presence known to High Stakes Poker viewers. The CEO of Scratch made some brilliant plays last week, but in this hand he’d bet $12,000 with a small pair into Brownstein’s top set on the turn, before folding to a raise.

Things Aren’t Going Elamawy’s Way

Sameh Elamawy
Sameh Elamawy

Moments after making a poorly timed bet, Elamawy faced a tough decision against Tilly, a more experienced poker player. Both players held 9x2x on a board of 9x2xJxQx with $69,700 in the pot.

The hand was either going to come down to which player could convince the other their hand could beat bottom two pair, or for it to end in a chop. In this case, Tilly made a $50,000 wager that convinced her opponent to fold.

Elamawy again hit two pair on a 987J board with 98. Tilly, holding QJ, bet out $4,000 before Dempsey made it $12,000 on a flush draw with K2. That raise scared Elamawy off the pot with the best hand.

Tilly, however, correctly made the call, but then incorrectly folded to a $34,000 bet on the 3 blank river. The good doctor took down the pot with king high.

Tilly would again get bullied off a pot with 64 on a 596 flop. Gavri, who had K10 for a flush draw, bet out $16,900. His opponent raised to $45,000 before Gavri then three-bet to $190,000, enough to successfully pull off the semi-bluff.

Robl Continues to Get Bullied by Financial CEO

Andrew Robl Poker
Andrew Robl

Robl had issues trying to figure out what Elamawy was doing last week on High Stakes Poker. The financial industry CEO sort of bullied the poker pro around a bit. And he did it again this week.

Elamawy got off to a slow start in Episode 2, but he found an opportunity to make a play with some junk cards. The straddled pot began with Robl raising to $10,000 with the monster 53. His new rival then went for a three-bet to $32,000 with the equally massive 43 hand.

Robl’d had enough getting pushed around by an amateur, so he fired out a four-bet to $85,000. That didn’t scare off the loan company executive as he made the call to see a flop of J4K. Robl would check-fold five-high to a bet of $60,000.

Unsurprisingly, Elamawy went for another bluff with six-high, but Gavri looked him up with middle pair and took down a $52,000 pot. That, however, was a small blip on Elamawy’s radar as he would enact revenge against this opponent moments later.

The pot had $221,700 in the middle on a board of 5K95A and Gavri went for a $69,000 bet with 86, a missed flush and straight draw. Unfortunately, for him, his opponent wasn’t about to fold AJ, and took down the $359,700 pot, the largest to that point in Season 13.

Episode 2 would, fittingly, end with Elamawy making an $80,000 bet on the river with 10-high and a missed flush draw, and being called by Tilly’s two pair.

To watch new episodes of High Stakes Poker, visit PokerGO.

*Images courtesy of PokerGO/Antonio Abrego

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Senior Editor U.S.

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